Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Where to start planning!?!


I am not the kind of girl that has been planning her wedding since she was a little girl, I just haven’t – I don’t quite know why, but there it is. So now, I have a slight dilemma – I have NO idea what I want (apart from wanting a bush wedding). Colours? Food? Dress? Stationary? HELP! The options are limitless. My only saving grace (lets hope) is that I am a fairly decisive person.

I decided to go to The Wedding Expo www.wedding-expo.co.za at the Coca-Cola Dome in Jo’burg at the beginning of April. That was the BEST decision I could ever have made. What a fantastic show and such good value for money. I would definitely recommend it. The show is held twice a year, in April and September and I will be going again in September. I went to the April 09 show to give me a feel for what is on offer in the market before trawling the internet for hours and hours looking for ideas. Everything you want in one place at The Wedding Expo – it was truly worthwhile. AND THERE WAS A FASHION SHOW and the FREE WEDDING INSPIRATIONS MAGAZINE www.weddinginspirations.co.za.

Back to planning, in the Wedding Inspirations magazine is a Wedding Countdown and Planner (for budgeting). PERFECT, it’s exactly what I need. I have decided I am going to be using this in the coming months. This way my thoughts will be more ordered (well one can hope) and poor George will have at least some sort of ordered wedding talk – rather than my wild imagination running away with me with all the ENDLESS possibilities. It makes the planning seem less daunting and maybe I won't procastinate (an inhereant trate I have :) ). There are also some really great articles in the magazine and I’m really looking forward to the September magazine.

So the countdown says that in the 9-12 months before the wedding, Determine the type of wedding: location, theme, number of guests, formality and time of day – amongst other things. This is where I am going to start. I will get to the rest of the list later – I can’t believe how much there is to organize. But, pole-pole (slowly-slowly) as they say in Swahile. One thing at a time.
I’ll be back with a myriad of ideas to sift through!

Catch you later

Monday, April 20, 2009



Welcome to my blog and my journey from engagement to wedding. I decided that this is such an important part of my life and such a wonderful beginning that I want a record of it. And, maybe through some of my experiences I will help others and other brides can give me their tips and advice to make my wedding planning easier.

George and I got engaged only 2 months ago and so everything is so fresh and exciting. We have decided to get married in May 2010 – I love Autumn, it’s my favourite month. The days here in Jo’burg or the Highveld are perfect and warm with clear skies and the colours are JUST amazing. I can’t help but dream about the beautiful photo opportunities.

I/We are taking the planning slowly. In fact, we've only made one decision - a bush wedding, otherwise we haven't planned anything - I've given myself the last 2 months just to think about what our possibilites are - so that the day reflects both of us. Also, I want to plan the wedding bit by bit, so I don't get tired of the W word :) George has said - a bush wedding is fantastic and that I must plan my perfect day, so here goes!

We both LOVE the outdoors and spend as much time as possible in the bush and so naturally (for us) we are going to try and find a game farm or something of the sort for our wedding. For me, a bush wedding is perfect.

So the few things that we want to remember over the next year of planning are: Family and fun. Simple and elegant. Stay true to what WE want.

We want a day that is filled with family and friends and laughter. It must be simple, clean cut and elegant. The emphasis is not Opulence, it’s the marriage.

I hope you enjoy my journey. I'll be posing links and pics and ideas I love. Please add your comments and advice - they are always welcome.

Ta ta